Connecticut Common Standard
for Assessing Early Childhood Education Credits and Degrees

The Office of Early Childhood recognizes the 2010 "Common Standard" agreement between the Connecticut departments of Education, Social Services, Higher Education, and Public Health to assess the early childhood education content in credits and degrees. This revised version is updated to reflect the change in state departments and divisions. The Common Standard is used to determine all credits and degrees including but not limited to their application toward the Connecticut early childhood career ladder, licensing Head Teacher certificate, the Early Childhood Teacher Credential (ECTC), and technical assistance providers.

Definition of Common Standard for Assessing Early Childhood Education Credits and Degrees

Adopted October 2009 and effective as of January 1, 2010:

Courses that include the study of the education or development of children less than five years of age will be assessed as meeting the content requirement for early childhood education.


1. Who will implement the Common Standard?
2. Does the Common Standard accept courses that cover a wider age span?

3. Does the Common Standard require that a course / degree include study of the entire age range from birth to under five years?

4. Can courses be about one or more areas of child development?

5. Can courses about teaching children age birth to less than five years of age, either in general or specifically, in a subject area be included?

6. Does the Common Standard include courses on how to work with families or the community?

7. Does the Common Standard include courses dealing with the administration of an early childhood program (birth to less than five years of age)?

8. The OEC uses 12 ECE (Early Childhood Education) credits as a benchmark. Does each entire course of the 12 credits have to focus solely on children age birth to under five years?

9. Do classes and degrees have to be specific to the education and development of children age birth to less than 5 years?

10. How does OEC assess a degree under the Common Standard?

11. Do teacher preparation programs leading to a state teaching endorsement count?

12. Does the Common Standard specify particular courses that have to be included?